As you can probably tell from the title, this post is about the dreaded D word. No, not divorce. Deployment. I know no one wants to even think about it, let alone talk about it. I'll tell you our deployment story and try to give some helpful advice that I learned to try and make the D word more tolerable.
Flash back to February 2009. We had been in Okinawa for less than two months. We were finally getting into a routine and getting our life as husband and wife together and looking forward to no more interruptions. Justin was still doing rotationals and was learning the ins and outs of each branch of his job. I wasn't working yet but was keeping myself occupied with making our house a home, making new friends, and getting involved in the base community. Life was good. Later that month, rumors started to circle about a deployment that Justin's "bucket" was supposed to go on. I was trying not to think much of it because Justin was told he wouldn't deploy the first year we were at Kadena. Lies, all lies. Soon after the rumors started, Justin came home looking like he had the weight of the world on him. I knew something was up and I knew it had to do with this stupid deployment. He said that he was more than likely getting deployed but didn't know for sure when and where he would go. But let me back up just a bit...
Justin had a superior in his shop that happened to have the same last name as us, MSgt McCullough-Cruz. From the day she found out that a fellow McCullough was coming to the island and was going to be in the same shop, she looked out for us. I called her Momma McCullough! She always kept me in the loop with things going on around the shop and explained military things to me (since I was absolutely clueless at this point!). From the day all of the deployment rumors started, she told me she would be the first to tell me what was going on, if, when, and where Justin was going, etc. She didn't want to me hear things second hand or get wrong information, so anytime she found something out, she let me know.
Okay, I had to tell you about her before I went on with the rest of my story.You'll see why in a second. So, early March time frame we were still in the dark about a definite answer on the deployment. I was hoping that if we didn't talk about it, it would just go away. It doesn't work that way, unfortunately. While Justin was at work one day, Momma McCullough called me at home while I was in the middle of stress cleaning (I'd been doing that since I first heard the D word). I answered the phone and as soon as I heard her voice, I knew what she was going to say. Justin was going to Afghanistan. Crap. I tried to keep my composure because she may have been a friend to me, but she was still Justin's superior. When Justin got home, he knew that I knew because A) The house was spotless and B) There wasn't a drop of make up left on my face. He just hugged me and apologized. I hated to see him so upset and apologetic over something that was out of his control. I was mad and pouted for the next few days but had to eventually pull myself together because acting like a baby wasn't going to stop him from going. Justin had enough on his plate and seeing me torn up was the last thing he needed. We had two months before he had to go so I put my big girl panties on and got to work on the pre-deployment checklist. Fun stuff, let me tell ya! While Justin worked during the day, I got as much done on his checklist that I could, all while trying to decide whether I was going to stay in Oki or go back to Tennessee while he was gone. Decisions, decisions. With only a few weeks to go before he left, we decided that going home and being with our family would be the best thing for me. But looking back, I wish I would have stayed in Oki while he was gone for a few different reasons. I'll discuss that in a later post. Anyway, the day before Justin was scheduled to leave, I got on a Space A flight to the states (another interesting topic that I will discuss at a later time). Sitting in that terminal waiting to board the plane was torture. I knew that I only had a few minutes with my husband before we had to say our "see ya laters" and be away from each other for 5 months. They finally called final boarding but I didn't want to let go of Justin. I couldn't stand the thought of him going to a war zone and me not being there to take care of him. I hated it. I hated everything. He was trying so hard to keep it together and to be strong for me because Lord knows I was crying enough for the both of us. I walked to the gate and tried so hard not to turn around to see him, but I did. I saw him standing there with tears in his eyes as he looked at me with that little side ways grin that I love. That was the last time I saw him for five long months. When I boarded the huge KC 135, I was more than ready to get out of there and get this time apart started and over with. But we sat on the tarmac for four hours while they tried to fix the GPS systems. Ugh. More torture. When we finally took off, I was so tired from crying that I passed out on the cold, hard floor of this massive, loud plane. I work up long enough to eat the sack lunch that I paid $5 for then I went back to sleep. When I woke, we were about 30 minutes out from landing. I finally made it home two days later (again, Space A is another topic for another day). Being back with my family made things easier and helped pass the time a little quicker. But being around his sweet family reminded me of him and made me miss him even more.
Fast forward five months. This whole deployment bull crap was almost over and I was finally on a plane back to our home in Okinawa. I decided to get there a couple of weeks before him so I could get things ready for when he got back. I still had no idea what day he would be home because he had to go all around the dang world just to get back to Okinawa. I finally received a call from him when he got to Tokyo. We were finally in the same country! He said his flight came in the next morning! *insert happy dance here* Obviously, I was too excited to sleep so I stayed up the majority of the night trying to decide what to wear! It's a girl thing! When I got to the airport, I was as giddy as a school girl and couldn't get the big cheesy grin off of my face! I stood at his gate and waited for what felt like hours, cheesy smile still in place. When I heard the dinging noise and heard the Japanese voice come over the intercom announcing that his finally had touched down, I felt tears coming on. Happy tears of course! Then it happened. I finally saw my Airman walking out of the terminal. THAT was the moment that I absolutely lost it! I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He barely made it out of the terminal when I attacked him! He was back. My happiness. My love. My best friend. My Airman. My husband. I was on my happy cloud and there was nothing in this world that could have knocked me off of it. It felt so good to have him by my side again and knowing that he was safe. I was so relieved. Life was complete again.
I didn't get into the details of the difficulties that I went though with missing Justin. Everyone faces their own struggles but we all feel the same way...we miss them and feel like a part of us is missing when they are gone. I'm going to try and give some advice to those who are about to face their first deployment. Here are some things that helped me.
-Whether you go back to be with your family while your loved is deployed or you stay at where ever you are stationed, try to keep yourself busy. Go out with friends (the mature way), get involved within the base, get a part time job. Just do anything other than sit around and wallow in your sadness. That gets you nowhere and makes time pass slower.
-Try to send him an email or letter at least everyday. Just to let him know about your day and to tell him you're thinking about him. But try to keep it positive. He doesn't need any more stress than he already has.
-Technology is a beautiful thing. Skype as often as possible if he has the capability. Again, try to keep your conversations positive.
-Send care packages. When I sent Justin packages, I put love letters, cards, pictures, snacks, and just things to let him know I was thinking about him. Sometimes, I even sent extra so he could share with the guys in his shop. Just be sure to find out before hand of the things that you can and cannot send. Don't want to get in trouble with customs or get your man in trouble.
-Write in a journal. Justin and I each had a journal to jot down our thoughts and stuff. When we were reunited, we swapped journals and read what each others thoughts. We really enjoyed it. And it was a good way to get all of your feelings out and for your spouse to know what you were thinking and feeling while you were apart.
-Stay positive. Try not to watch the news. It will just freak you out. Don't think the worst when you haven't heard from him in a few days. He's busy. Don't let your thoughts and worries get the best of you because it will eat you up inside and make you miserable.
-Don't isolate yourself. Find friends that are going through the same things you are and just be each others support.
-Remember that he misses you just as much, if not more than you miss him. He is going through the same feelings and emotions as you are a top of everything else he's facing with being in a war zone.
That's the best advice that I can think of at the moment. When and if you ever have to face a deployment, you will find your own ways to cope and to make it easier. Just remember, you're strong and if you really love and support your man, you will kick that deployments butt and it will end up just being another memory and another thing to be proud of!