Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Back and Better Than Ever

Wow! I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I've posted anything! I’m a horrible blogger! But in my defense, we have had A LOT going on! From moving to a new baby and everything in between, things have been pretty crazy! No excuse though! I’m a slacker and I promise to start doing better!

So, you’re probably wondering what’s been going on to keep me from posting. Or maybe you’re not. Either way, I’m going to get you all up to speed!

This time last year, Justin was getting ready to graduate from Air Force recruiting school at Lackland AFB in Texas while I was back in Tennessee packing up and getting ready to move for what seemed like the millionth time since we've been married. When he finally finished school, we said our “see ya laters” to our family and friends once again and made the nearly 9 hour drive to Hot Springs, Arkansas to start our new lives. It was rough having to pack up and leave again since everyone had gotten use to having us around. And when I say us, I really mean Silas. But I assured everyone that Hot Springs was only a days drive away and was a much easier (and cheaper) trip to make than Japan ever was. When we got there, we lived in a hotel for nearly two weeks before we found a house. After about a month, we finally got into a house and started to settle into our new lives in Arkansas. Justin started at his office recruiting kids from far and wide while Silas and I explored Hot Springs. After a couple of months in Arkansas, we found out that we were pregnant! Surprise! We were so thrilled to have another baby and to make Silas a big brother. He started calling the baby “Baby T.Rex from the moment we explained to him that there was a baby in mommy’s belly!

Fast forward to May 2nd, 2014, Elijah Bryant McCullough was welcomed into the world, weighing in at 8 pounds and 4 ounces and measuring 20 inches long. I had a quick and easy labor and only pushed 2 ½ times! A breeze compared to the 26 hours of hard labor and two hours of pushing that I went through with Silas! My dad, step mom, mother in law and brother in law were all here to help us welcome our new addition and to help us with Silas while we were in the hospital. It was such an amazing weekend! Elijah is now 3 ½ weeks old and Justin and I are still trying to adjust to being parents of two boys! Being a mother of two is way different (and harder) than being a mother of one! I’m still trying to get the hang of dealing with two kids by myself during the day without completely losing my mind! Besides the lack of sleep at night and showers during the day, I think I've got it under control!

Other than that, I really have no reason for not posting more often other than just procrastination and pure laziness. But blogging is a great outlet for me so I’m really going to keep up with it from now on, or try to at least! Besides it being a means of therapy for me, I've decided to start it back up for my step sister, who’s husband just left for Air Force basic training last week. I forgot what it was like when you’re love leaves for several weeks and you are basically clueless as to what to expect. I've been trying to give her advice and pep talks here and there but I thought, what better way to help her (and every other new military spouse that reads this) than posting info and advice to my blog? After all, it is called “Air Force Wife Life”!

So I promise, from here on out, that I am going to start posting more frequently and about things that are useful and helpful, and sometimes a personal venting session! I should have plenty of quite time during those 3:00 a.m. feedings! Stay tuned for more posts!!  

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